Creating Collaboratively Across Visual Abilities

Ana Jofrea, Daniel K. Jonesb, Jiayue Shenb, Shireesh Reddy Pyreddya, Henry Zelenakb, Bao Dob, Kristina A. Boylana

a College of Arts and Sciences, SUNY Polytechnic Institute, Utica, NY, USA

b College of Engineering, SUNY Polytechnic Institute, Utica, NY, USA

Creating Collaboratively Across Visual Abilities (CCAVA) is a SUNY Innovative Instructional Grant-funded project whose goal is offering accessible improvements (across abilities and economics) for visually-oriented exhibits of research and creative works. Our multidisciplinary team of faculty and students will share project elements from computer and data science, fine arts, humanities, and mechanical engineering and assistive technology. The SFPS poster presentation will share some of CCAVA’s designs and tests of methods and tools for use in exhibit spaces like SUNY Poly’s Gannett Gallery, and will describe our progress toward development of an accessible website that will share construction and sourcing guides, and best practices for selecting assistive technologies and applying them in similar endeavors.