MAT 460, Numerical Differential Equations Class Project Presentations
Andrea Dziubek, Alcocer Corona, Jovani Andrzejkiewicz, Nicholas Burger, Alexandria Glindmyer, Benjamin Gre, Christian Lindhorst, Gavin Liriano, Eliana Lukasiewicz, Adam Lukasiewicz, Chawn Neal
Faculty: Andrea Dziubek
We present projects of problems that are modeled by ordinary or partial (linear or nonlinear) differential equations and are solved numerically, such as the dynamics of a spring-body system (motorbike, pendulum), of a framework of springs and masses, of rigid bodies (planetary motion), of the wave equation, and of Schroedinger equation.
We explain the numerical methods that we used, and how we coded them using Python. Where possible, we compare our simulations with the real world.
We also compare different discretization methods, such as a 4th order Runge-Kutta method and the structure preserving (symplectic) Newmark method.