Trust in One’s Most-Trust Parent, Trust in One’s Self, and Trust in One’s Current Romantic Partner

Trust in One’s Most-Trust Parent, Trust in One’s Self, and Trust in One’s Current Romantic Partner

Yusuf Maalim, Mary Sidorevich

Faculty: Linda Weber

ABSTRACT: The goal of the research is to understand how one’s trust in their relationship with their most-trusted parent influences one’s trust in their self and their trust in their most recent romantic partner.

Quantitative survey data operationalizing trust in one’s most-trusted parent, trust in self, and trust in one’s most recent romantic partner was collected from 211 participants. From there, the relationship between one’s trust in their most-trusted parent and trust in one’s self was analyzed.

The relationship between trust in one’s trusted parent and one’s trust in their current romantic relationship was also analyzed. A weak, but significant relationship was found between trust in one’s most-trusted parent and trust in one’s self.

It was also found that there is no relationship between one’s trust in their most-trusted parent and their trust in their current romantic partner.

Trust in Most Trusted Parent – Yusuf Maalim